Looking to earn extra income up to 15 Mio/Month?

Recommend YOBO to 10 business owners you know!

What is YOBO?

YOBO (Your Own Business Online) is a loyalty program solution on WhatsApp for offline businesses in Indonesia. YOBO helps businesses grow sales and profits by providing customer insights gained from offline transactions.

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What are the benefits?

Seamless and Simple

Simply refer YOBO to your business owner acquaintances! There is no other process.

Anywhere and Whenever

From onboarding to monitoring, all processes are carried out online with no deadlines or targets.

Guaranteed 10% commission

Once the leads you recommend have officially joined as YOBO partners.

Register as our Partner!

Contact us by clicking this button below:

What Our Partner Says About Us

“D'Cost understands the importance of loyalty programs and when Yobo offered a loyalty solution with WhatsApp, we were interested in working together. "The process is simple and our loyal customers love this communication via WhatsApp."

Henry Tejakusmana

Chief Executive Officer, D’Cost

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brands that have joined YOBO

...and many more!


How many leads do I have to recommend?

There is no minimum target required. However, the more leads you refer, the greater your chances of earning higher commissions.

What types of merchants can I recommend?

Businesses with a physical store and an average monthly revenue per outlet of over 100 million rupiah.

What if the leads I recommend have already joined YOBO?

The leads you recommend will go through a verification process by the YOBO team. We need to check if the leads have previously partnered with YOBO or if our team already has contact with them.

How can I monitor the progress of my leads?

We will provide a Google Sheets link to track the stages of all the leads you submit. If a lead passes verification, we will mark it as "Qualified." If a lead does not pass verification, we will mark it as "Not Qualified."

What is the mechanism?

Once registered as a YOBO partner, there are two ways to submit leads: 1) Through a Google Form that we create specifically for each YOBO partner. This method is suitable for submitting individual leads; 2) Through a Google Sheet provided by our team. This second method is ideal for submitting a large number of leads at once.

Is this a binding contract?

Becoming a YOBO partner does not involve a binding contract for a specific period like an employee, but please review the privacy policy on yobo.id, as there are terms related to sharing data.

How does the commission process work?

The Google Sheets link provided by YOBO will show the stages of the leads you submit. A commission will be paid once the leads you provide reach the "INVOICE PAID" stage.

When will the commission be disbursed?

YOBO partner commissions are accumulated at the end of each month, provided the leads you submit have made payment according to the invoice issued by YOBO. For payments received before the end of the month, commissions will be paid on the 10th of the following month. If payment is received after the end of the month, the commission will be accumulated in the next month's payout.

How is the commission percentage calculated?

YOBO offers 10% of the transaction value paid by the merchant leads provided by YOBO partners. There is no minimum or maximum target.

I have a question that hasn’t been answered. Where can I ask?

Please direct your questions to YOBO's WhatsApp at +62881025501202.

Solutions designed with the EXPERTS

With more than 30 years of combined experience from the experts of F&B and Technology, Yobo is fully-equipped to help your business to grow!

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Steven Kim

CEO/Co-Founder of YOBO, Qraved


David Soong

Founder of Boga Group

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Ivan Aditya

VP Growth of Yobo (ex-Sociolla)