Kamu telah mendapatkan kupon Referral - Buy 1 Get 1 di Lamian Palace dari temanmu Ina (21).png


Growth in Repeat Customers Sales between Jan - Mar 2024


Growth in Repeat Sales between Jan - Mar 2024

Kamu telah mendapatkan kupon Referral - Buy 1 Get 1 di Lamian Palace dari temanmu Ina (Presentation) (19).png

🌟 How Yobo Deliver it?🌟



Yongdaeri is one of the earliest Korean full-service restaurant who have been around since 2013. Serving good quality Korean authentic food, with an amazing variety of dishes and high quality ingredients.



Since Korean food is not a staple food to the locals, Yongdaeri customers only dine on special occassions such as birthday or bukber

Yongdaeri has tried introducing membership but not many of their customers wanted to join.

Yobo Solution

Yobo built Yongdaeri's Membership system in WhatsApp and with our automation engine, sending WhatsApp personalised messages to introduce varieties of dishes to Yongdaeri's loyal customers.

Combining with exclusive member-only rewards such as Buy 2 get 1 and signature dishes, Yongdaeri has been able to drive more VISIT from loyal customers.

Reasons why Yongdaeri chooses Yobo

Membership Integration with WhatsApp

Leveraging Customers Data

Automated WhatsApp Messages

Membership Integration with WhatsApp

Registering customers as members with just names and WhatsApp number. With this method, we have seen membership grew more than 3,000 members in less than 4 months

Leveraging Customers Data

With Yobo's robust analytic tools, we established a customer segmentation based on RFM analysis. From there, Yongdaeri team can carefully select high-value customers that will refer other high-value customers as well.

Automated WhatsApp Messages

Yobo's AI and WhatsApp automation allows personalised WhatsApp messages to be sent according to Yongdaeri's customer location and preferences without having to hire more people to send the WhatsApp blast.


in 3 months

322%Sales from Repeat Customers
281%Transactions from Repeat Customers
1.73xTraffic Growth

Solutions designed with the EXPERTS

With more than 30 years of combined experience from the experts of F&B and Technology, Yobo is fully-equipped to help your business to grow!

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Steven Kim

CEO/Co-Founder of YOBO, Qraved


David Soong

Founder of Boga Group

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Ivan Aditya

VP Growth of Yobo (ex-Sociolla)

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